Update: August 28, 2020
U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris have responded to the Task Force and the FAA expressing their support for the Task Force’s recommendations which SOEQS has advocated for.
As we previously reported, the South San Fernando Valley Noise Task Force sent final recommendations on May 14 to the FAA after convening for 7 months, with presentations by SOEQS and other major groups in support of immediate relief from day and night flight procedures at VNY and BUR airports. The Task Force had passed nearly every recommendation that we had advocated for, most unanimously or within one vote. Read the Recommendations here.
The Task Force also requested responses from various entities regarding specific recommendations within their purview.
The latest of these are the FAA’s 2nd Interim Response, and a response from U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris. Previous responses are in our August 9 update.
FAA Response Read the FAA’s second interim letter here.
On July 28, in its 2nd interim response, the Regional Administrator of the FAA, sent a letter to the Task Force stating that the FAA’s goal is to provide “comprehensive and clear responses to all of the recommendations by August 31, 2020. “
U.S. Senator Feinstein and Harris Response
Read the Senators’ letter here.
On August 4, U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, who were non-voting members of the Task Force, also responded to the recommendations, with these key highlights which we have advocated for:
Reiterated the “urgent need to provide relief to the residents of the South San Fernando Valley and Santa Monica Mountains”
Encouraged the FAA to consider the recommendations put forth by the Task Force that seek to “adjust the flight paths and altitudes of departing aircraft, reduce the concentration of flight paths, distribute airplane noise more equitably, and mitigate noise impacts.”
In addition, the Senators stated that for recommendations requiring federal legislation, they will be working on them with their colleagues in the House of Representatives.
More news to follow as soon as we learn more. Click here to sign up for our newsletter.